What is a concession in writing- deffination and example (1)

Posted: March 15th, 2022

What is a Concession in Writing? (Details with Example)

As it is said, sometimes, to win an argument is not to argue. This is where the Concession comes into discussion. The word Concession is derived from the Latin word “to give way”. This blog covers almost everything you need to know about a Concession in writing.

What is a concession in writing?

In writing, Concession refers to points created for an opposing opinion during an argument. You are making a concession when you see the merits of an opponent’s point of view. Concession shows the writer’s maturity because it has portrayed all angles to an issue.

Simultaneously, Concession never argues that the opponent is entirely correct, but rather it does its job by pinpointing that one point which is valid and remaining arguments are considered as wrong.

Concession helps a writer to identify that information or knowledge provided by an opponent are valid somehow at least and should be acknowledged. By using a concession in writing, a writer minimizes the reader’s chance to disagree with him.

So using Concession in writing is productive because it helps in knowing different opinions about an issue, respecting others opinions and will aid you to communicate profound ideas and improve clarity.

Why do writers use Concession?

Writers use Concession to find out the similarities between opinions about an idea. Those similarities unite two ideas or show valid points in two of the pictures. A debate on vital topics shows that the writer has looked at all sides of an argument. This makes all the contents complex and motivates healthy discussions and debates.

Structure of a Concession in writing 

The structure of Concession is primarily of two parts. Firstly making the Concession by agreeing with the issues and difficulties. Then making the argument one desires to make.

Concession usually starts with a concession word or phrase like but, although, even though, regardless of, while or despite. 

Writers will usually think of objections by themselves and then make concessions. When you think about what could be objections in your arguments, then you see others’ views. 

So you write the viewpoints of others. Then you concede by admitting that some other person’s points may be valid. Lastly, you conclude the concern either with a solution or logic.

If someone is not making an objection and Concession, he is not writing an argumentative piece. 

The function of Concession in writing:

One of the fundamental functions of Concession is that it shows what is similar between two opposing ideas. In aggressive topics, whether they are debated or written, Concession shows a fair approach in a way that is not illogical.

Another vital function of Concession is that when a writer or speaker uses it, they indirectly indicate that they are suitable people open to see various angles of a problem. In this way, the audience will take them seriously and listen or read them open-mindedly. 

Concession considers all positive and negative points before an argument is taken to the next level. When you display the other side and then argue against something with valid points, this can make your writing stronger. Lastly, using a concession in writing shows you respect and acknowledges others’ viewpoints. 

Where are concessions used in writing?

A Concession is commonly used in Argumentative writing. It is also used in Essays, Academic papers, and nonfiction writing. 

In writing, Concession is used so that readers will comprehend ideas about different viewpoints. Also, authors use Concession because they are willing to consider alternative options and opinions.

Typically, the author will grant a concession by using But or yet. Using but or yet in the last may also mean that those who disagree with the author are correct, maybe not entirely but somewhat.

Concession Writing in plays and poetry

The Concession also appears in plays and poetry. It is used for compelling storytelling. It reveals the truth about the work, speaker or character.

What is a concession speech?

People write concession speeches as well. With some respect, it is a different kind of Concession. It is a public speech in which a losing politician yields to a politician who is winning. It is done after the vote results are determined or based on the current votes count. 

It is usually done to motivate your side people to work hard consistently and never criticise yourself for personal defeat.

Concession in politics and rhetoric 

If you have read Introduction to Concession, you probably know that politicians use Concession in their speeches. Concessions are also used in speeches and debates to tell and persuade listeners about some facts. 

For example, in his famous Gettysburg speech, Abraham Lincoln said:

What is a Concession in Writing? (Details with Example)

Abraham Lincoln conceded here that people might forget his words, but they will never forget the sacrifices of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives.

Concessions Examples in Literature 

This is a fantastic example of Concession in literature from the play “The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams.

It is written in the starting lines. Tom, the narrator and the main character, addresses the audience with the lines in the photo above.

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

He admits that the play might make everything look more like fiction, and now he makes the Concession that he has “tricks in [his] pocket” and “things up [his] sleeve.” 

Yet, he says that behind all those tricks, there is much truth in the play. This example of Concession creates an assumption among the audiences that Tom and Tennesee Williams are against each other.

Examples of Concession in General sentence

Some of the words primarily used while making concessions are but, although, however, and despite etc… Not only do these words improve communication, but they also improve the clarity and flow of writing.

A Person making an argument first states a concession and then follows that with “but”. This is to show the way the opponent is misguiding the argument. Meanwhile, concessions may also start with the phrase “it is true that….” Or certainly.

Some general examples of a concession in writing are as below.

  • There is an unequal distribution of wealth between the poor and the rich. The gap is not as significant now between rich and poor as in the past because of the benefits provided by the government. But that doesn’t make this inequality acceptable. 
  • You are correct, I did attend my class today, but I didn’t take your bag.
  • I still don’t think the rain will stop, but it has certainly slowed down.
  • You are right about the price, but I don’t think it is good.

What is a concession paragraph?

A concession paragraph is usually the first body paragraph after the introduction. It talks about the side you don’t support, and the second body paragraph is the side you keep more. In this way, the side we support gets more weight.

In a concession paragraph, you write about both sides of an issue. Firstly you will talk about the side that you Don’t agree with and then talk about the side that you agree with.

But, although, however and despite are words that join opposing ideas in a concession in writing. 

Why is Concession important?

The Concession allows various viewpoints and approaches to a problem. It shows a person’s ability to think about a problem on a higher and more complex level. Concession in writing guides that one has to look at all sides of an issue and put his perspective more efficiently. 

How should a concession in writing be organised?

Generally, The best option is to develop a paragraph of Concession. When starting this paragraph, you will say some people may disagree with you as they have different opinions. Then you will provide some reason, one or two points of why they hold these opinions. These reasons are against you.

You end the concession paragraph with a sentence or two that the reason for having a different opinion is ultimately incorrect. At last, you undermine that Concession and bring readers to your point of view.

Concession in a Thesis Statement 

The thesis statement mainly talks about your argument when we talk about academic essays. It tells readers what your thesis is about.

 Concession in thesis statements pinpoints a different, valid opinion on the subject. It clearly shows that your argument doesn’t address specific concerns related to the topics.

Concession or Rebuttal:

Concession and Rebuttal are related because both are concerned with arguments. But they are not the same thing. Rebuttal directly challenges other beliefs and arguments. So it creates disunity; meanwhile, Concession doesn’t.

In Concession, you concede something important when you say that the opponent’s ideas are wrong or you show that your argument is bolder than his.


This blog post has covered a concession in writing with full details.

In writing, when we concede by acknowledging the opinion of the opponent. Thus, it shows the writer’s maturity and understanding of the other side of an issue, making the whole argument stronger. 

Hopefully, this blog post will give you a clear idea of a concession in writing.


What is a concession in writing?

Concession in writing means that you look at all sides of an issue and then come to a mature conclusion.

Are Concession and Rebuttal the same?

Rebuttal directly challenges other beliefs and arguments. Meanwhile, a concession acknowledges others opinions before making an argument. 

Where is a concession used in writing?

Concession is commonly used in Argumentative writing. Additionally, it is used in Essays, Academic papers, and nonfiction writing. 

What is a concession speech?

It is a public speech in which, for example, a losing politician yields to a politician who is winning. And convince their supporters to work hard and not criticize yourself for personal defeat. Thus, he acknowledges opinions and then says his points.

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