Posted: January 5th, 2023

15 Best Tips for how to write a long essay

How to write a long essay

How to write a long essay

Sometimes, you may find yourself needing to make an essay longer in order to meet a specific word count requirement or to fully explore and develop your ideas. Writing a long essay can seem like a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and creativity, it can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Here are some tips to help guide you through the process:

Choose a topic you’re passionate about.

It’s much easier to write a long essay when you’re genuinely interested in the subject. So take some time to think about what topics excite you and pick one that you’d like to explore in depth. The more interested you are in your topic, the more motivated you’ll be to dig deep and explore all its nuances. For example, let’s say you’re a huge fan of the Harry Potter series. You might choose to write a long essay on the symbolism and themes present in the books.

Make an outline.

A clear outline will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay has a logical flow. Start by listing the main points you want to make and then add subpoints and examples to support them. This can also help you identify any areas where you need to do more research.

A clear outline will help keep you on track and ensure that your essay has a logical flow. For example, your outline might look something like this:

I. Introduction

Hook: A quote from one of the Harry Potter books that speak to the theme of the essay

Thesis: The Harry Potter series explores themes of friendship, love, and good vs. evil through the use of symbols and motifs

II. Body Paragraph 1: Friendship

Example: The friendship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione

Explanation: How their friendship represents the power of loyalty and sacrifice

III. Body Paragraph 2: Love

Example: The love between Harry and Ginny

Explanation: How their love represents the power of selflessness and forgiveness

IV. Body Paragraph 3: Good vs. Evil

Example: The battle between Harry and Voldemort

Explanation: How the conflict represents the struggle between good and evil in the world

V. Conclusion

Restate thesis

Summarize main points

Closing thought

How to write a long essay

Use examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.

It’s one thing to make an argument, but it’s much more powerful to back it up with concrete examples. Personal anecdotes can also add a touch of personality to your essay and make it more engaging for the reader.

For example, let’s say you’re writing a long essay on the importance of exercise. You could start by explaining the various health benefits of regular physical activity, such as the lower risk of chronic diseases and improved mental health. But to really drive your point home, you could include anecdotes about how exercise has personally improved your own health or the health of people you know.

This can make your essay more engaging and help your reader better understand your argument. For example, in the body paragraph on friendship, you might tell a story about how Harry, Ron, and Hermione stuck together through thick and thin, even when things got tough.

Take breaks.

Writing a long essay can be mentally exhausting, so it’s important to give yourself time to rest and recharge. Step away from the computer and do something completely unrelated for a while. This can help keep your mind fresh and your creativity flowing.

How to write a long essay

Don’t be afraid to be creative.

A long essay is a great opportunity to experiment with different writing styles and approaches. Try using metaphors or incorporating quotes from literature to add depth to your essay. You could also try using a more creative structure, such as writing a letter or a dialogue between characters. For example, you might compare the love between Harry and Ginny to “a phoenix rising from the ashes,” symbolizing how their love helped them overcome their personal struggles.

Seek feedback.

Sharing your essay with a friend or classmate and asking for their thoughts can be a great way to get feedback and identify any areas that need improvement. They may have insights or ideas that you hadn’t considered before.

Overall, writing a long essay can be a fun and rewarding experience as long as you approach it with the right mindset and a little bit of creativity. So don’t stress; just enjoy the process and let your ideas shine!

Here are some more helpful and easy tips to make your essay longer:

How to write a long essay

Add more examples.

Including more examples in your essay can help to strengthen your argument and make your writing more detailed and convincing. For example, if you’re writing about the benefits of exercise, you might include specific examples of how exercise has improved people’s health, such as lowering blood pressure or reducing the risk of heart disease.

Include additional research.

If you feel like you’ve covered everything you want to say about your topic, consider doing some additional research and incorporating it into your essay.

Expand upon your ideas.

Take a closer look at each of your points and see if there’s any additional information or analysis you can provide. This can help to deepen your argument and add length to your essay.

Use specific and detailed language.

Rather than using general terms, try to be as specific as possible in your language. For example, instead of saying “the cat,” you might say “the fluffy grey cat with bright green eyes.” This can help to add detail and depth to your essay.

Incorporate quotes.

Including quotes from sources can help to add length to your essay, as well as provide evidence to support your points. Just be sure to properly cite any quotes you use.

Use the active voice.

Writing in an active voice (i.e., “The scientist conducted the experiment”) can make your writing more concise and easier to read. This can help you cover more content in less space, making your essay longer without feeling cluttered or repetitive.

Include background information.

Providing background information on your topic can help give context to your argument and make your essay longer. Just be sure to stay focused on your main points and not get side-tracked.

Add a counterargument and refutation.

Including a counterargument and refuting it can help make your essay more well-rounded and longer. Just be sure to be respectful and fair in your presentation of the counterargument.

Break up long paragraphs.

If your essay is feeling dense or difficult to read, try breaking up your long paragraphs into shorter ones. This will make your writing more visually appealing and easier to follow.

How to write a long essay

Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions about how to write a long essay:

How do I come up with a topic for a long essay?

The best way to come up with a topic for a long essay is to choose something that you’re passionate about and that you have a strong interest in. This will make the writing process much more enjoyable and help keep you motivated. You might also consider looking at the assignments or guidelines provided by your teacher or instructor for inspiration.

How do I create an outline for a long essay?

An outline is a helpful tool for organizing your thoughts and keeping your essay on track. To create an outline for a long essay, start by writing down your main points and organizing them in a logical order. Then, add subpoints and supporting details to each main point. This will help you see the structure of your essay and ensure that it has a clear flow.

How do I make my long essay more interesting?

There are several ways to make your long essay more interesting:

Use examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points

Incorporate quotes from literature or experts to add depth and credibility to your argument

Experiment with different writing styles and approaches (e.g., using metaphors or rhetorical devices)

Seek feedback from others and incorporate their ideas

How do I avoid writer’s block when writing a long essay?

Writer’s block is a common problem when it comes to writing long essays. To avoid it, try the following:

Take breaks to recharge and refocus your mind

Work on your essay in smaller chunks rather than trying to do it all at once

Change up your writing environment (e.g., work at a different location or time of day)

Seek feedback and ideas from others to help get your creative juices flowing

How do I know if my long essay is good?

A good long essay is well-organized, well-supported, and clearly written. It makes a clear argument and provides sufficient evidence to back up that argument. It is also free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You can also ask a friend or classmate to read your essay and provide feedback or consult with a tutor for guidance.

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