Posted: March 15th, 2022

Critical facts about Esther in the book of Esther

Critical Facts Analysis In The Book Of Esther Essay Sample
Critical Facts Analysis In The Book Of Esther Essay Sample

Critical Facts Analysis In The Book Of Esther Essay Sample


Students will write a five-page paper using Turabian form on the chosen topic from the earlier research worksheet. The paper is to be made up of two sections. The first section should address what the critical facts are about the person or subject. The second section should address the topic from a devotional point of view. For example, how does this apply to life today?

Biblical Analysis: Critical Analysis of the Book of Esther

The book of Esther is the only book in the bible that has a woman character making it a unique book. The orphaned Jewish girl, Esther, is brought into the picture in chapter 2. She portrays distinct traits that are important in a Christian life even today.

First, Esther shows immense faith. She shows her confidence in God, which she entreats, along with the Jewish people, to support and defend her in her highly perilous attempt; having a conversation with the king without being invited is what drives her to collect the Jews. To comprehend the entire temporal reality now by virtue of the ludicrous demands paradoxical and meek courage, and that is the boldness of faith.

This is the ability to accept the future through actions that you take today. It is about taking your life into your own hands, about making decisions and acting on them, as well as taking responsibility for your choices. She did courageously when Queen Esther decided to gather Shushan’s Jews, fast, and face the king.

She had the foresight to arrange the feasts and the foresight to express her demands on time. She also had the fortitude to beseech King Ahasuerus that would save the Jews following Haman’s death and make other demands.

The earnest prayer of Queen Esther saves the Jews from being killed by the king, and rather the enemy, Haman is the one who is hanged instead. Indeed, this proved that the effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much, and it prevails.

Queen Esther was value-driven
Comparing King Ahasuerus’ values (or lack thereof) to Queen Esther’s is fascinating. King Ahasuerus disliked but did not despise the Jews. He loved Queen Esther regardless of her Jewishness, not because she was a Jew. King Ahasuerus would not have kept Queen Esther’s identity from him if he loved Jews, and he would not have agreed to Queen Esther’s desire to save them if he loathed them.

On the other side, Queen Esther’s acts were entirely motivated by her affection for and respect for her uncle and devotion to her nation. When Mordechai tells Queen Esther that she must go to the king and persuade him to spare the Jews, Esther says it is too dangerous and that she may be assassinated.

She appears to need more than a gentle reminder from Mordechai of the consequences of refusing, but in the end, the decision is hers to make, and she decides to let her beliefs guide her actions.

She loved her people
Esther 4:16 “If I die, I die” Esther had no idea how powerful her words of submission would be throughout history. Her devotion to God and her people trumped her love for herself. She showed love to her people at the expense of her life. She risks persuading the king so that her people could be saved and find freedom from Haman.

Esther was patient
Rather than taking action, Esther prayed, fasted, and waited for God to tell her how and when to meet the king. As Esther and Mordecai prayed, God was at work on the monarch, who couldn’t sleep one night. The king’s restlessness prompted him to request that the chronicles be read.

The king was reminded of Mordecai’s role in saving his life in this reading. This set the stage for the king to recognize Mordecai and issue a proclamation protecting the Jews from extermination.

Esther was calm
She never allowed circumstances to control her emotions and make her resentful. I can’t picture the suffering Esther had to go through as a child. She would have been one of many Jewish youngsters whose parents died during that turbulent period.

According to the bible, rather than growing rebellious and bitter due to her difficult upbringing, she remained loyal to Mordecai (Esther 4:20).

Esther was an influencer
Esther inspired the monarch and saved her people by resolving to trust in God. Purim was held to honor her bravery, and a decree was issued from that day on. God inspired Esther’s story to encourage us to react to God’s calling on our life.

One of the favorite lessons to teach women is taken from Esther’s life narrative. We pray that God also inspires us and that each generation of Christ-followers might be inspired by Esther’s determination to live for God’s glory and have the strength to proclaim, “If I die, I die,” but I will follow Christ.

She was beautiful
In chapter two, the bible affirms that Esther was fair to look upon. She was given twelve months of pampering and procedures to enhance her attractiveness, just like the other exquisite virgins.

When the king invited a virgin, she was free to bring anything she felt could make her much more appealing to the king. However, when Esther was summoned, she got nothing but Hegai’s advice resulting in the king’s approval.

Application of Esther’s lessons in our lives today

In our daily devotional life, Esther has a lot to teach us. We come to learn from her courage and faith in God. When we are courageous and faithful, God can trust us to accomplish what He has entrusted us within our lives. Esther’s courage gives God assurance that she would rescue the Jews from the sentence that had been passed on them.

The teaching of values leading to action may be applied to almost any aspect of our life. To me, it entails being my authentic self and allowing that to shine through.

When I’m unsure of what to do in a circumstance, I often try to examine it in terms of values, determining which value is most important to me and then deciding on a course of action. Esther lived the Christian values that had been taught by Mordecai, her guardian.

She had respect and love for God and others. In all the situations she was going through, Esther knew where her strength lied. As Christians of today, we should instead learn to trust and have all our strength in God, who provides with no murmur and liberally.

Esther understood her elevation to royalty had little to do with her beauty or God’s provision of a decent life when she put to heart Mordecai’s words of wisdom.

Esther naturally understood she needed to rely on God for her strength. Like Esther, we should show selfless love to others. Like Christ laid His life for us, we rather are ready to sacrifice for the wellbeing of our brethren.

Being the central theme of the whole Bible, love is a principle that we should live by. Esther even declared saying “If I die, I die” (Esther 4:16). Esther’s prayer life also applies to our daily life. We see Esther fasting and praying together with her people, and finally, God gives her success.

When we are in constant communication with God in prayer, we are better at winning our battles. The great lesson that we also learn from Esther’s story is how we should influence other people’s life. Our life should be a letter that would draw people to God, as Paul says in the book of Corinthians (2 Corinthian 3:2).

Our life history should give people hope and strength to trust in God. Knowing God’s time is a significant value that every Christian should have. As mentioned in the book of Isaiah, “when the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen” (Isaiah 60:22). The story counsels us to have patients and wait on the Lord to do it in His own time. We also realize that God is not a respecter of persons and rather will use anybody to accomplish His mission as He used Esther in her time.

Therefore, we should be ready to be used by God at any point in our lives. At fourteen years old, Esther being a young and orphan, God used God to save His people, the Jews. We also learn God’s power which can win our enemies’ hearts and grant us victory. God made the king have affection for Esther win his heart in just a night (Esther 2:17).

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