Posted: June 17th, 2022

Student Descriptive Essay Example: My Perfect Space

My Perfect Space

Student Descriptive Essay Example In 2022
Student Descriptive Essay Example In 2022

Student Descriptive Essay Example In 2022: My Perfect Space

Hidden behind the emotions are the issues of life that can cause a person to need personal
space. At times, one can be low in spirit, while we can be high at other times. Each day starts in
its spirit. It can either be harmful or well.

Mental instability and unrest can cause someone to need personal space to meditate. I feel having a private space gives someone self-knowledge. Away from the world’s cares, pressure from colleagues, and stress from duties.

A quiet and peaceful environment has offered us a favorable space for meditation. As the issues of life hit us daily, one must have time to solve the parables of his life. Nature offers the perfect environment where one can find life’s solutions.

Mental space is like a painkiller for life’s problems. As per the pattern of each contact, the psychological machinery extends to fill space. The psychodynamic experience is a conversation with reality that depends on transmission and its disturbances to existing.

The irony is that even in material psychodynamics, experience, and expertise can be utilized to either occupy the gaps for emotion and thoughts or as a cover for refusing to accept its existence. Sociologists and scientists tend to overlook the idea that there are places outside the body; nevertheless, as Paul Schilder emphasized in his seminal fieldwork of psychoanalysis, everyone must take up space.

They discovered a place for emotion on a psychological level, and thought is typically seen as emptiness or a bottomless hole. The psychologist generally supports personal space.

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